Recently released U.S. Census Bureau population estimates show changes around Oregon since 2020. See county-by-county data ...
The record level of immigration has profound implications for taxpayers, schools, American workers, and our ability to ...
A recent report highlighted a looming demographic crisis in the United States, as annual deaths are expected to exceed annual ...
Neanderthal fossils show a major population drop 110,000 years ago. Researchers link this to reduced genetic diversity.
A pivotal theme during the encounter was the reminder of history's lessons. Both Patriarch Daniil and Ambassador Sfari agreed that reflection on past mistakes is vital in navigating current global ...
“I think the key finding is that we are documenting for the first time a hominin population that we did not know we had in ...
Four centuries ago, the Muslim population of Dhaka was relatively small. However, the arrival of the Mughals precipitated a ...
Read about why green is associated with St. Patrick's Day and how corned beef and cabbage was popularized in the U.S.
Catholics are one of the largest religious groups in the United States, outnumbering any single Protestant denomination.
St. Patrick’s Day offers an annual reminder that, in terms of ancestry, no US state is quite as Irish as New Hampshire — not ...
Purging federal agencies of experts who work on some of our most complex public policy challenges has nothing to do with rooting out waste in government ...