Maintaining healthy polar bear populations depends on cubs' survival, which is only around 50%, according to the statement ... bears with GPS collars that recorded the animals' locations, body ...
Two-year-old twin polar bears Kallik (pronounced Kah-LEEK), left, and Kallu (Kah-LOO) take a swim during their public debut ...
Inside the den, it can be up to 25°C (45°F) hotter than on the surface thanks to the mother's body heat. So, by looking for when the polar bear stopped ... their mothers, only being spotted ...
In "Ends of the Earth," Neil Shubin travels north and south to explore the frontiers of polar science and history.
female polar bears in Svalbard–an archipelago between mainland Norway and the North Pole–were fitted with GPS satellite collars. The devices recorded their location, activity levels, and body ...
Although their offspring guzzle down high-energy milk, mother polar bears don’t feed at all during this time and rely on their fat reserves, losing up to 43 per cent of their body mass while in ...
They were seen without their moms only five per cent of the time. In Svalbard, cubs depend on their mom for up to 2.5 years. "In Svalbard, polar bears build their dens on the slopes of steep ...
Researchers from Polar Bears International ... Cubs were seen without their moms only 5% of the time. In Svalbard, cubs depend on their mom for up to 2.5 years. Circumpolar Conservation ...
Scientists warned on Thursday that the long-term health of Inuit hunters in eastern Greenland was under threat, due to so-called "forever chemicals" in the atmosphere and their diet of polar bear and ...