The original Pokémon Black 2 was a bold game that attempted to push the series in a more adult direction — and it was the ...
F or decades, Ash Ketchum has been the face of the Pokémonfranchise, traveling across regions, battling Gym Leaders, and ...
From Pokemon Red to Pokemon Violet, we rank the best Pokemon games of all time for Switch and every other platform Pokemon ...
While many mechanics like Tag Team, GX, V-Star and more have cycled in and out of the game, there are few as beloved as Trainer’s Pokémon, which makes Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Journey Together such ...
After defeating Misty and visiting Bill, you need to get out of Cerulean City and go South to Vermillion. To do this, you ...
After several decades, the Pokémon anime series has yet to address one of the darkest secrets in the anime, a possible war.
A Pokemon fan creates a well-crafted cosplay of one of Scarlet and Violet’s most popular gym leaders, and the outcome is ...
Arguably the worst way to play a game is via a Twitch chat comments, which was popularized by Twitch Plays Pokemon. But now ...
Pokemon GO announces a new Raid Day for March, and players will have the chance to capture an alternative form of a popular ...
The best Fairy-type Pokémon in Pokémon Go for Raids and battles, along with the best Fairy-type Legendary and best ...
Choosing the ideal Pokemon GO Gym Attackers and Defenders is very important. This is because, apart from hosting raid battles, they double up as PokeStops and fighting grounds for the three ...
The Pokemon GO Shadow Regice raid guide offers strategies and counters for defeating this powerful Ice-type Pokemon.