Well, just take an example from this North Carolina man, whose way of dealing with his recurring backyard bear problem ...
The king cobra, at 18 feet, is the world's largest venomous snake, utilizing neurotoxic venom to kill large prey. Armed ...
The Wildlife Protection Act allows the killing or injuring of wild animals that enter human settlements and endanger human ...
A seven-year-old boy’s arm was ripped off by a crocodile at Roodekoppies Dam. His family is seeking donations for his medical ...
Keith Howlett, of Cambridge Row, Benwick, is to face trial for allegedly placing poison found in anti-freeze in his garden.
They found that 81 percent of workers at poultry plants and 46 percent at pork plants are at high risk of developing ...
Community members in Little Rock are voicing their concerns after the city temporarily halted adoptions of what it terms ...
Police are investigating several reports of someone illegally shooting pigeons in Bourne. Officers from Lincolnshire Police ...
The lawsuit says mall patron Roya Neissani was struck by one of the Dream Riders animals being driven by a child on Nov. 11, ...
Keith Howlett, of Cambridge Row, Benwick, is to face trial for allegedly placing poison found in anti-freeze in his garden.
The current world-record archery bighorn measures 209 1/8 inches and was taken in Pennington County, South Dakota, in 2018.
Rats are an annoyance to many gardeners, often entering a lovely green outdoor sopace and destroying property and vegetation.