Ukrainian forces have captured a Russian commander and inflicted heavy losses on Vladimir Putin's army in fierce battles ...
The role of Billy Flora, a free Black man, in this pivotal victory — and the erosion later of rights — show a paradox of the ...
Ukrainian soldiers clarified that such a raid on an industrial complex in the Donetsk sector was carried out by operators of the 3rd Regiment of the Special Forces, and during the operation they ...
U.S. soldiers provided direct fire support for British officer cadets during a live-fire exercise for the first time at ...
army against army.” On October 7, Hamas mobilized thousands of men in platoon-sized attack elements and overran the IDF, defeating it on the ground for a day, massacring civilians and soldiers.
Top Israeli officers, including the division’s Southern Brigade commander Asaf Hamami and many company and platoon commanders ... first hours of the attack. Israel's military had missed obvious ...
When Flora saw men replacing planks that the British had removed from the bridge, he knew they were preparing to attack the Patriot ... taking fire from an entire platoon — 20 British soldiers ...
The firepower-enhanced Dynamic Victory is the final event for Royal Military Academy Sandhurst ... tested their ability to conduct a platoon attack under realistic combat conditions.