During his controversial, scandal-plagued tenure as Maricopa County’s top law enforcement officer, Joe Arpaio styled himself as “America’s toughest sheriff.” Now, at 92 years old ...
Joe Arpaio bragged to news media about enforcing federal immigration law while he was Maricopa County sheriff, even after a federal judge ordered him to stop, prosecutors said Monday as Arpaio’s trial ...
And virtually all the words expressed in the image below — of Donald Trump kissing and embracing former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio — are about the way Trump has made his toxic ...
Maricopa County Sheriff Jerry Sheridan promised bias-free policing but was met by a skeptical audience during the first court-ordered community meeting connected to a long-running racial profiling ...
A student in a justice studies class received an apology Monday from Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio after the sheriff referred to him as "the football player" during a lecture delivered to the ...
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio left most students and the professor of a justice and social inquiry class shocked by a comment, which the majority of students in the lecture deemed racist. Michael ...
Arizona is no stranger to immigration sweeps. Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio led years of sweeps, targeting workplaces, streets and entire neighborhoods. Hundreds of people were ...
The Ninth Circuit ruled Friday that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's detention officers must face excessive-force claims in the death of a mentally ill Army veteran. PHOENIX (CN) – The Ninth ...
Martha McSally and former state Sen. Kelli Ward. Ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio ran in the Republican primary to replace Arizona Senator Jeff Flake. Crédito: Getty Images TUCSON, Az – Arizona ...
is affiliated with controversial former sheriff Joe Arpaio. Only this crowd of clueless old white guys wold pick someone from Sheriff Joe's operation. I was saying no self-respecting lawyer would ...