Elevated thyrotropin levels were associated with an increased risk for depression, especially among women and those with hypothyroidism.
A machine learning model using existing clinical data may help clinicians screen for comorbid anxiety and depression in ...
Researchers determined there is no significant different between digital CBT and education for pain management for adults with SCD.
Mental health comorbidities are more prevalent among transgender and gender nonconforming adults with IBD than the general and IBD US populations.
The Alzheimer's Association revised the diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer disease (AD) and ADRD for clinicians in primary and specialty care.
Integrating routine psychological health screening and treatment during and after pregnancy may reduce the risk of adverse ...
RedArc reports that women are likely to utilise support for their emotional and mental health for a third longer than men. In ...
The researchers then compared voice biomarker results with self-reported results from the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). The tool had three outputs, which included: signs of depression ...
The Genea fertility clinic has issued an update on its run-in with hackers, confirming that it was a targeted attack that resulted in data theft.
Higher physical activity intensity over time reduces anxiety, depression, and fatigue in heart failure patients with ICDs.