GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Bundesamt für Naturschutz, BfN) want to address these challenges as part of the cooperation agreement ...
An attempt to put tracking devices on three porpoises caught in the North Sea by Wageningen researchers has resulted in the death of one of the animals, One of the porpoises was successfully fitted ...
Orcinus_orca,Eubalaena_japonica,Eschrichtius_robustus,Balaenoptera_acutorostrata,Balaenoptera_bonaerensis,Kogia_breviceps,Platanista_gangetica,Mesoplodon_bidens ...
Phocoena sinus has between 34-40 teeth which are unicuspid,. Image via Paula Olson, NOAA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Vaquitas (Phocoena sinus) are endemic to a very specific area: they are ...
Background image: By Collectie Wereldmuseum (v/h Tropenmuseum), part of the National Museum of World Cultures, CC BY-SA 3.0, ...
The natural world is home to an astonishing variety of life, but some creatures are so rare that only a handful remain in existence. These animals, often teetering on the edge of extinction, are ...
As climates and circumstances change, animal species must either evolve or fall victim to any number of threats to their existence. Habitat loss, excessive hunting, and disease are all potential ...