I 2002 udkom Gades første biografi om Victor Andreasen, og siden er det blevet ... Svenn Bernhard, Anders Peter Mathiasen og Gades egen hustru, Jonna. Gade styrede avisen i de år, hvor oplagstallet ...
Folketingets formand Søren Gade fra Venstre tror ikke på, at hans eget parti kan vinde magten ved næste folketingsvalg. - Jeg ...
He came to believe the phenomenon was real. By Michael S. Rosenwald In early 1988, the British neuropsychiatrist Peter Fenwick found himself drowning in letters from people who believed they had ...
Peter Yarrow, the Peter of folk trio Peter, Paul, and Mary, died on January 7. He was 86. Yarrow died at home in Manhattan from bladder cancer, which he had for the past four years, the New York ...
By Jim Farber Peter Yarrow, whose caring and righteous vocals for the trio Peter, Paul and Mary helped establish them as one of the most popular folk acts of the 1960s, died on Tuesday at his home ...
Peter Yarrow, the singer-songwriter best known as one-third of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk-music trio whose impassioned harmonies transfixed millions as they lifted their voices in favor of ...
In the MCU, Peter Parker’s group of friends and frenemies has been pretty consistent since 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming. Peter’s best friend Ned Leeds, his eventual girlfriend MJ ...
Et enormt projekt, som Folketingets formand, Søren Gade (V), har været bannerfører for, er nu stoppet. Der er ikke støtte til projektet Det er ingen hemmelighed, at Søren Gade (V) meget gerne ...
By The Associated Press Peter Yarrow, the singer-songwriter best known as one-third of Peter, Paul and Mary, the folk music trio whose impassioned harmonies transfixed millions as they lifted ...
Victor Wembanyama has already established himself as one of the best players in the NBA in just his second season. Wembanyama and the San Antonio Spurs are gunning for a playoff spot, and ...
We’re talking about San Antonio Spurs icon Victor Wembanyama. But to explain how he became Hector Banana-Bread, we’ve got to take a trip over to Reddit, where a very confused user asked for ...
Det udtaler Folketingets formand, Søren Gade (V), som lige siden sin forsvarsministertid i 00’erne har figureret blandt landets mest overbeviste transatlantiske politikere. »Det gør lidt ondt, når man ...