An ongoing lawsuit filed by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District against Monsanto claims the city spent millions to clean PCBs from waterways.
Real Organic smaller farms are proven to be more productive than their enormous industrial counterparts and are far better ...
ACC has accepted 359 claims for injuries involving Roundup since 1990 and a further 20 where its active ingredient, ...
Renew your membership today, and every dollar you contribute will be MATCHED to go twice as far to defend our planet when it matters most.
But the "conventional" agriculture farms producing 95% of our food by applying toxic herbicides and pesticides to soil ... Organic does have lower levels of carcinogens, endocrine disruptors ...
Although South Africa is itself phasing out the use of certain chemicals in agriculture, because they are carcinogenic, mutagenic, or reproductively toxic, there are pesticides on the EU’s ...
The combination of modest life adjustments along with careful behavior leads to reduced carcinogen exposure which diminishes ...
Urban India would have to address the pollution crisis with strong government action, stricter regulations, and public ...
Unfortunately, though, controlling a moth problem isn't quite that simple, and the mothballs could actually be more harmful ...
Poor regulations and bureaucratic corner-cutting threaten ecosystems on the NSW’s Mid-North Coast, risk for blueberry ...