Public Health Ontario said Thursday there have been 572 cases since the outbreak began in October, 453 of them confirmed and ...
Taylor Perry has been named to Canada’s team for the Cathay/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens, returning to the rugby sevens squad for ...
Though some might describe HAUI as a historian, the Stratford-based mixed-media artist said that wasn’t always the case.
LISTOWEL - Although last summer council decided not to allow ATVs on municipal trails, staff were asked to investigate the installation of share the road signs on municipal roads which ...
West Perth CAO Dan Hobson and Larsen admitted in a recent interview the findings are no secret: The brine pipes under the ...
Check with Elections Canada to confirm your riding. What used to be Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston is now Lanark-Frontenac, ...
To handle future aircraft movements and demand, a new air gateway to replace Kuching International Airport is planned to be ...
“It’s very good that municipalities are trying to take some action and respond to the concerns of citizens. It’s important to ...
Day one of the OHL Cup is over. Three wildcard games decided the last three teams to make up the 20 teams that will ...
BA, which has a major presence at Heathrow, said it expects to operate around 85% of its scheduled flights on Saturday.
Following that announcement, several airlines said they would restart scheduled flights both to and from Heathrow, including ...