Pavitra Punia talks about her new role as Vishkanya in Tenali Rama. She enjoys wearing white instead of her usual black for negative roles. Pavitra shares her challenges in fight scenes and ...
As the stakes rise, a new and deadly challenge enters the fray—Vishkanya Aafreen, played by the talented Pavitra Punia. The villainous Girgit Raj, played by Sumit Kaul, had already set his plans ...
Now, he has an even deadlier ally-Vishkanya Aafreen portrayed by Pavitra Punia. Disguised as a dancer, Aafreen enters Vijayanagar with a hidden motive-revenge for the injustice done to her.
As Group CEO of Clicks, I am deeply disappointed that we allowed insensitive and offensive images to be published on our website. I apologise unreservedly for the hurt and anger these images have ...