Tangerang: Para nelayan di Tanjung Pasir, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten, berharap para pelaku hingga dalang pemasangan pagar laut ilegal bisa terungkap dan ditangkap. Pihak yang bertanggungjawab atas ...
S$ 0 Loan Amount at 0% Loan-to-value The sale price of this unit at Pasir Panjang, West Coast Road Corner Terrace For Sale is S$ 6,288,000. What is the current PSF at Pasir Panjang, West Coast Road ...
What are the best Baldur’s Gate 3 mods? The modding community working on Larian games has a storied history regarding DOS and Baldur’s Gate, and the BG3 community is no different thanks to ...
The Witcher 4 has now been officially revealed, with a new trailer confirming that the game will focus on Ciri as the main protagonist. This latest look does give us an idea as to the overall ...
A good property agent more than deserves his/her commission, but many buyers and sellers are often unsure about how much to pay. And it’s the same with landlords and tenants. Many factors determine ...
Penemuan ikan purba tersebut menjadi viral di media sosial Facebook. Mendapatkan informasi tersebut, Ketua International Coelacanth Research Center and Marine Museum Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Unsrat) ...
tirto.id - Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Jakarta akhirnya buka suara soal pengerukan pasir laut di dekat Pulau Pari, Kepulauan Seribu, yang diduga ilegal. Warga menyatakan penolakan terhadap ...
Unparalleled accessibility ~ The Hillshore is conveniently situated within a 4-minute walk from Haw Par Villa MRT station on the Circle Line (CCL). Reputable schools nearby ~ Educational institutes ...
Maka kami informasikan pengurangan ketinggian pembukaan pintu pelimpah air waduk (spillway gate) yang sebelumnya pembukaan di posisi 5 pintu x 100 Cm, secara bertahap dua hari ke depan hingga 50 cm," ...
Sebelumnya, media sosial diramaikan dengan aksi protes warga Pulau Pari terkait adanya aktivitas pengerukan pasir laut untuk pengembangan fasilitas pariwisata oleh swasta pada perairan dangkal. Warga ...
Video / NZ Herald / AFP A Tauranga daycare has apologised after four children escaped through a gate that “unexpectedly malfunctioned” and were found nearby by members of the public.
KOMPAS.com - Minggu depan semua siswa bisa merasakan hali libur Januari 2025. Bahkan bisa libur sekolah selama lima hari penuh. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Bersama atau SKB 3 Menteri tentang Hari ...