That's because these days the cloud is more than a storage space for digital data. It can, for example, let you play high-end ...
Arguably the worst way to play a game is via a Twitch chat comments, which was popularized by Twitch Plays Pokemon. But now ...
For those of you that never got to Silent Hill 4, the thing that sort of sets it apart from the other games in the series was ...
On Superbad, we were told that Jonah Hill’s character, Seth, was so reprehensible to the studio that they were like, there’s ...
As previously announced, FEAR Platinum has also joined the GOG Preservation Program, alongside games like Fallout 2, Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption, Ultima 1–8, Jagged Alliance 2, and the early ...
The unit discovered in 2015 was believed to be the only surviving example, and fetched a healthy $360,000 at auction. A ...
The now-iconic system is still the highest-selling console of all time, with over double the number of PlayStation 5s sold.
We pretty much perfected the video game controller when the DualShock launched ... God Hand, or any other PS2-era titles that rarely (if ever) get sequels.
Now this could mean that GameCube games are going to come to Nintendo Switch Online post-Switch 2 release. But to momentarily ...
Silent Hill 4: The Room is available to play on a PC again, and now it is available in an ultimate form via the GOG Preservation Program. The game first appeared in 2004, and when it launched it ...
The game was originally released for PS3 and Xbox 360 (as well as PS2 and Wii), and now the 360 ... built-in achievements, and controller icons for whichever controller you use.
the PS2 was backwards-compatible with original PlayStation games, and even memory cards and controllers. Some compatibility of this sort is expected today, but back then the only telly console ...