The rare book, which was the first complete bible in Chinese, was found in a pile of donations at Oxfam’s Chelmsford bookshop in Essex. The bible, translated by John Lassar and Joshua Marshman ...
Pics de chaleur, nuits tropicales, incendies... Météo-France dresse un tableau très sombre du climat dans une France à +4°C. @Pixnio Pics de chaleur à 50°C, nuits tropicales ou encore baisse de ...
The world’s richest men are taking from the world’s poorest communities with deadly consequences. Right now, every $1 becomes $5 to fight for equality.
New infrastructure opens up possibilities for the city’s central core. This is Part 5 of Postmedia's How Canada Wins series. This shouldn’t come as breaking news to anyone but the Halifax Mooseheads ...