A heavily guarded train laden with nuclear waste was brought to a halt ... "The way it looks here it will be daylight before the Castors (casks) can move on," a police spokesman said.
The waste would travel through Midland-Odessa by train…something not too many ... house thousands of metric tons of spent nuclear fuel in dry-cask, above-ground storage in Andrews County ...
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court wrestled with whether to move forward with plans to temporarily store nuclear waste at a site in Andrews, Texas and parts of rural New Mexico even as some justices ...
Together, the bills would authorize multimillion-dollar tax benefits for companies that research, develop and deploy new nuclear technologies in Michigan, along with grants and scholarships to train ...
Students explore nuclear facilities in virtual reality and learn about the ethical dimensions of nuclear technology in a ...
LACEY -- Concrete and metal storage casks that hold decades worth of highly radioactive, used fuel rods from the former Oyster Creek nuclear plant can be taxed, New Jersey's Tax Court ruled this week.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) unveiled a cutting-edge nuclear training lab with a ribbon-cutting in Room 2027 of the Jonsson Engineering Center (JEC), a hub of RPI’s School of Engineering on ...
An upcoming wave of retirements from Canada’s rapidly-growing nuclear energy sector is prompting two Ontario schools to start training the next generation of professionals. Currently ...
MICHIGAN -- State police and other local and federal agencies are participating in a drill intended to hone skills in the event of a nuclear power plant accident. The drill, called Cobalt Magnet ...
It’s a remarkable turn of events that portends a new nuclear landscape. America’s European and Asian allies haven’t contemplated their nuclear futures this earnestly — and openly — since ...