An in-flight altercation over a glass of wine has left now former SABC brand manager Nobuntu Mkhize banned from FlySafair - ...
Nobuntu Mkhize recounts her experience during a controversial FlySafair flight incident that escalated into a viral ...
In an interview with Newzroom Afrika, Mkhize explained that the December 26th altercation began when she requested a lighter ...
Former SABC brand manager Nobuntu Mkhize opens up about her dismissal after going viral for her comments on FlySafair flight.
Nobuntu Mkhize shares her account of a viral incident aboard a FlySafair flight, where a request for a lighter wine escalated ...
She was filmed causing a disturbance by hurling racist comments and verbally and physically attacking cabin crew on a ...
Cape Flats mense have rejected the apology by alleged racist Nobuntu ‘Nobs’ Mhkize after saying sorry for her "racist" ...
Former SABC employee Nobuntu Mkhize has publicly apologised to the coloured community months after a viral video showed her ...
An in-flight altercation over a glass of wine has left former SABC brand manager Nobuntu ‘Nobs’ Mkhize banned from FlySafair, ...