There is no strong Europe without the USA and NATO, just as there is no strong NATO without a committed Europe,” Andrzej Duda ...
And, that Ukraine cannot join NATO. Our “leaders” continue to cozy up to far-right regimes as they try to destroy our relationship with Europe. Let me remind them that Article V of the NATO ...
A 90-year-old Canadian air force veteran who earned a medal for service to NATO brought his medal to the Consulate General of ...
After the presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump last June, I called my French, German and Ukrainian contacts ...
Immediately, allow Ukraine to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); it currently has 32 member states. Established in the aftermath of World War II, Article 5 of the ...
I am thankful to Gov. Josh Shapiro for unequivocally expressing his support of President Zelenskyy and a free Ukraine.
Certainly there have been incidents of both from Councilor Brechnitz. At the recent meeting, Brechnitz asserted that he was ...
In 1987, Donald Trump paid for a full-page ad in which he criticized United States foreign policy. A claim that President ...
Michael Matheson’s sudden anouncement he will step down at the next Holyrood election has a reader scratching his head ...
I read three letters saying that Democrats were petty, disrespectful and had “vile contempt, even for young victims of ...
Letters policy: Letters should be no longer than 250 words and will be edited. Preference is given to letters expressing an opinion on issues of local relevance or responding to items published in the ...