ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula announced a new top six and reconfigured the leadership of the party's provincial structure in KwaZulu-Natal. Mbalula and other ANC leaders will announce a ...
O boletim pluviométrico com dados sobre o monitoramento climático em Natal, divulgado nesta sexta-feira (14), apontou um acumulado de chuvas de até 140 mm em algumas regiões da cidade.
A memorial service has been held for the eight members of the Twelve Apostles Church in Trinity who died in a bus accident between Mandeni and Stanger in North KwaZulu-Natal. Spokesperson for the ...
The death toll has risen to three in KwaZulu-Natal as torrential downpours and adverse weather conditions continue in the province amid a level 4 weather warning in place. Residents have been ...
A manhã desta sexta-feira (14) começou com fortes chuvas em Natal, causando sérios transtornos no trânsito da cidade. De acordo com o Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres ...
The death toll for flash floods in eThekwini, which was caused by heavy rainfall that broke out in KwaZulu-Natal, has risen to six. The eThekwini municipality confirmed the figure. Among the six ...
The office of the provincial commissioner of KwaZulu-Natal released their statistics for February on Monday. Police in KwaZulu-Natal recovered 287 firearms and made 11,007 arrests for various crimes.
The accused, briefly appeared at a packed Madadeni District Court. He had been arrested on March 5 after 13,597 mandrax tablets were found in the man’s house and car.
ANC secretary general Fikile Mbalula has named the party’s new top six leaders in KwaZulu-Natal, after the provincial structure was disbanded for its dismal performance in the May 2024 elections ...
O Carnaval de Natal 2025 ainda não acabou e, nesta sexta (7) e sábado (8), haverá o tradicional desfile das escolas de samba. O desfile acontece na Avenida Duque de Caxias, na Ribeira ...
Nove suspeitos de participação em um roubo de seis carros 0 km de um concessionária na Zona Sul de Natal foram presos nesta sexta-feira (14) em uma operação policial. O crime aconteceu no dia ...
This story has been updated with new information throughout. The five victims of last week's fatal 18-vehicle crash on Interstate 35 in North Austin were identified on Tuesday. Among them: A ...