MR. D.I.Y. has solidified its position as the leading home improvement and lifestyle retailer by winning two prestigious ...
CIMB Securities has a “neutral” stance on the sector, with Farm Fresh Bhd (TP: RM2.25) and MR DIY Group (M) Bhd (TP: RM2.38) as its top picks.
HOME improvement retailer Mr DIY is now online. The e-commerce platform,, provides shoppers a convenient shopping experience in the comfort of their own home, office or wherever they are.
IT used to be that learning about the country’s fine arts required extensive reading about the artists, keenlyw studying their craft and closely observing their style. Now, students can listen to the ...
Get the best filtered funds based on our pre-defined screeners. 1. Quant Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan is Open-ended Small Cap Equity scheme which belongs to Quant Mutual Fund House. 2. The fund was ...