While the black duck is an east-coast icon, it also ranges westward to the Mississippi flyway. Known as one of the wariest and hardest-to-kill of all the puddle ducks, hunters must have excellent ...
Four years from now, what might we be saying about what we just lived through? The possibilities seem endless.
Every winter millions of waterfowl and other migratory birds take the Atlantic or Mississippi Flyways from Canada and the Upper Midwest to Tennessee and neighboring states in search of unfrozen ...
the last day federal rules allow for taking ducks in the south portion of the Mississippi Flyway. What’s good about this year’s public comment period is it will allow hunters to comment on the ...
canvasback ducks are almost exclusively a bird of North America, found in all four flyways. However, the bulk of the species calls the Central, Mississippi, and Atlantic flyways home. In the East ...
At Cragun’s, Cordts had played host to about 60 waterfowl managers from 14 states attending their annual Mississippi Flyway meetings. After Cordts was busted, the DNR put him on investigative ...
Populations in the flyway (Wisconsin’s sandhills are part of the Eastern population that includes birds from both the Mississippi and Atlantic flyways ... executive director of the Wisconsin Waterfowl ...
A mix of outdoors stories from Minnesota, including information on the 37th annual St. Cloud Sportsmen’s Show.
The statewide season ends Friday as the last day of January has been the traditional closure for Tennessee’s duck season for ...