The Santee Cooper lakes in South Carolina offer excellent crappie fishing with the coming of spring. They aren't the biggest ...
The TWRA wants to build a comprehensive report each week of the state’s lakes. If you do not see a report for your favorite ...
No, not rock, paper, scissors. This was a serious story that ended well. Shortly in the hard, cold winter after the warm ...
Catching crappie in the spring is as sure a thing to some as the return of the sandhill cranes. These scrappy fighting fish ...
Yahir Leon of Coyote Bait and Tackle in Morgan Hill reported bank fishing has been best with jumbo minnows, anchovies, blood ...
Coho going on southern Lake Michigan, the spring variety of fishing options, openers Tuesday, April 1, at Heidecke Lake and ...
A teenager and his grandpa go trotlining for catfish on the Big Piney, and end up catching a giant smallmouth bass instead.
Guthrie, the president of the Long Island Traditional Music Association, is probably best-known as the dance caller at Old ...
Under the right conditions, these traditional bass and muskie baits will catch way more species than you ever imagined.