Ukrainian forces identified the location of a Russian marine workshop where enemy troops were reinforcing the armor of their ...
Ukrainian forces have discovered and destroyed a production hub where the soldiers of the 155th Marine Brigade of the Russian ...
The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) struck a workshop where Russia’s 155th Marine Brigade was reinforcing its vehicles with ...
In a post on X, Yigal Levin, a user who writes about the Russia-Ukraine war, wrote: "A HIMARS strike targeted a repair workshop of Russian marines, which was engaged in welding slat armor onto ...
Under contract to the U.S. Army, Lockheed Martin has delivered more than 400 HIMARS launchers to the Army, Marine Corps and international customers. In May 2005, the 3rd Battalion, 27th Field ...
The kit in question, the Digital GPS Anti-Jam Receiver, or DIGAR, is sold by BAE Systems and was originally intended for air ...
21 The Marines procured sixty such rockets in FY 2004 and are scheduled to request 606 and 1,164 over the next two years. For FY 2005, they also requested $16.3 million for one HIMARS.