Many people believe that how you start your morning can set the tone for the rest of the day. Those people also tend to be ...
Brushing teeth is an essential part of our morning routine. However ... Don't forget the tongue, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. Special tongue brushes are available to keep it clean.
You're not getting your teeth as clean as they could ... following an incorrect oral hygiene routine. One commented: "Wait, tongue scraping before brushing? I think you might have just changed ...
Krysta Ambruson shared her advice in a video specifically talking about what your nighttime routine should look like. While most of us would brush our teeth ... morning. Once you've scraped your ...
Here's which habits experts say are indeed worth building into your new and improved morning routine ... it's time to brush. OK, so you're brushing your teeth — but what about tongue scraping?
Ready to start the day? From drinking lemon water to brushing your teeth the right way, here's what experts recommend making part of your morning routine. (Getty Creative) ...