Habib Muhammad bin Ali Mauladdawilah, perintis komunitas Arab di Embong Arab, Malang, berdagang sambil berdakwah sejak sebelum 1930.
Hal tersebut diabadikan dalam Al-Qur'an, Surah Hud ayat 71 yang artinya sebagai berikut ... Beliau wafat di Hebron dan dimakamkan di samping makam ayahnya, Nabi Ibrahim, serta ibunya, Siti Sarah.
Sementara orang Israel mengklaim tempat itu merupakan makam Nabi Yusuf. "Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kalian, para tentara. Jaga diri kalian, kalian benar-benar pahlawan," kata Berger, ...
Kisah Uwais Al-Qarni pun menjadi catatan tersendiri di kalangan umat Islam. Hingga kini, area makam dari pemuda luar biasa itu masih tampak dipenuhi para peziarah. Berikut potret selengkapnya. Nama ...
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Scott Turner and Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kristi Noem have forged a new inter-agency initiative aimed at ensuring federal housing funds do ...
MAKAM KELUARGA LUKMINTO - Gerbang Shri Garden, lokasi makam pendiri PT Sritex, H.M. Lukminto dan sang istri, Susyana, di Delingan, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah, Minggu (2/3/2025). Area seluas 8 ...
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rejected Hurricane Helene repair efforts in Asheville, N.C., because the city’s proposed recovery plan features a diversity ...
CHICAGO – A new set of federal cuts at the hands of the Trump administration will impact the number of grants the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can offer to organizations.
It’s one of HUD’s most important functions: Each year a division known as the Federal Housing Administration underwrites mortgage insurance for hundreds of thousands of buyers, generating ...
HUD field offices in 34 states, plus the District of Columbia, are slated to close, according to a Bloomberg report. Department employees and their union say this may run afoul of a federal law ...
Azmatullah Omarzai has dethroned fellow Afghanistan team-mate Mohammad Nabi to be ranked the top allrounder in ODIs following a stellar Champions Trophy 2025 campaign. Omarzai rose two spots on ...