PUTRAJAYA: Kesukaran pelajar dalam membawa peralatan bagi subjek Lukisan Kejuruteraan mendorong seorang guru mencipta papan lukisan yang diinovasikan di bawah nama produk LKiZy. Inovator bimbingan ...
The U.S. Army is redirecting millions of dollars it has collected from the Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) pay for soldiers living in barracks away from food services, according to a report.
WASHINGTON — Recent news reports have advanced misleading or incorrect information about the Army’s Basic Allowance for Subsistence, also known as BAS. Several Army senior leaders and subject ...
The money is collected in what amounts to a tax on troops — taken from their BAS payment of $460 per month and automatically deducted from paychecks of service members who live in barracks.
KUCHING: The introduction of the BAS.MY Kuching stage bus service will improve public transport and reduce congestion in the city, says state Transport Minister Datuk Seri Lee Kim Shin. He said ...
Nurul Izzah Izzati mencipta rekod kebangsaan baharu acara pecut individu pada pusingan kelayakan Kejohanan Berbasikal Trek Asia (ATC) 2025. Meletakkan lori berisi kontraban di kawasan sunyi, termasuk ...
New buses are being introduced to the BAS.MY stage bus service, but the latest batch contains no electric vehicle (EV) units. The reason for this is cost, according to transport minister Anthony Loke.