Unveils a New Brand Identity to Celebrate Three Decades as Sri Lanka’s Pioneer and Leading Premium Bottled Water Brand As the ...
manhunt is underway for around 50 inmates who escaped from the Kutacane Penitentiary in Southeast Aceh Regency, Aceh, on Monday afternoon after breaking through security doors and climbing the ...
GEMPA BUMI BMKG mengumumkan terjadi gempa bumi magnitudo 5,2 di Aceh, pada Kamis (20/2/2025) pukul 10.19 WIB. Gempa itu tidak berpotensi menimbulkan tsunami. TRIBUNNEWS.COM, ACEH - Badan ...
ACEH UTARA, KOMPAS.com – Pihak keluarga Hasniafi (37) yang akrab disapa Imam, korban pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh oknum TNI AL Lanal Lhokseumawe berpangkat Kelasi Dua (KLD) dengan inisial DI, ...
Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi Aceh, Novianto Sulaksono, mengungkap warga Rohingya di wilayahnya mencapai 1000-an orang. Ia menyebut ada empat penampungan di sana bagi warga ...
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) — Two men in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province were publicly caned Thursday after an Islamic Shariah court convicted them for having sex with each other.
Pengelola Staycation Joel Bungalows Aceh Besar,Zulfitri (kiri) bersama seorang wisatawan asal Inggris melepasliarkan tukik jenis belimbing di Laut Lampuuk Aceh Besar, Aceh, Selasa (25/2/2025). (ANTARA ...
Even a tiny sip of water or a puff of smoke is enough to invalidate ... astronomy observers in Indonesia's westernmost province of Aceh. Sign up for the Breaking News newsletter Get the latest ...
People in the Indonesian province of Aceh have paid tribute to the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan on the 14th anniversary of the disaster. The province has been ...
ACEH TIMUR, KOMPAS.com - Majelis hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi RI menolak seluruh dalil yang diajukan oleh pemohon pasangan calon bupati Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh, Sulaiman Tole dan Abdul Hamid, dalam ...
A recent study published in the journal Atherosclerosis reviewed the links between water and soil pollution and human health. Clean water and healthy soil are essential to human health ...
Several states, including Florida, Georgia and Utah, are introducing legislation to limit or eliminate mandates related to fluoride, with Utah even considering a ban on its presence in water systems.