It's hard to sway you from a set path. But when a real emergency falls on Leo's strong shoulders, he'll carry it lightly and never shirks his duty, helping the defenceless, protecting the frightened.
Wednesday, March 12 (AKA “the Day of Challenges”), could come with important lessons, but the thing about “lessons,” Leo, is that we never appreciate them until later, when we’ve ...
You’re being drawn back to your origins, the stories, memories, and experiences that shaped you. Something from your past is ready to be integrated, healed, or turned into art. This moment asks ...
The weekly horoscope for Leo shows a lot of focus on your foreign collaborations as Venus and Mercury are in Aries. Since both the planets are in retrogression there will be technical issues and ...
A relationship shouldn’t involve obligation, Leo. Whether it’s a true sense of obligation or your own perspective, the Scorpio Moon today will make you aware of how you are holding yourself back.
Creativity is the mantra for today. Instead of trying out the traditional methods of romance and courtship, quirkiness will be extremely well appreciated. The day has an inclination for the unexpected ...
Rethinking your position? Worry less about appearing wishy-washy as Mercury goes retrograde. Use this time for self-reflection. This is a great opportunity to question beliefs you’ve always ...