With the average king penguin weighing between 21 and 40 pounds, according to the (ASOC), Pesto is clearly on the higher end ...
Researchers saw the first hints of the penguin population back in 2014 after scouring some NASA images gathered via the Landsat satellite program. The animals themselves weren’t clearly visible ...
A social media appeal has been started to find a large penguin decoration which has been stolen after six years of sitting in its owners' front garden. The fibre glass ornament, named Stanley ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
Nine-month-old Pesto, a comically large king penguin chick at Australia’s Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, has waddled into our hearts and inspired our creative sides. At a whopping 52 pounds (~23.6 ...