ANY LAB TEST NOW®, the nation's first direct access lab testing franchise, is thrilled to announce its induction into Entrepreneur Magazine's Franchise 500® Hall of Fame. ANY LAB TEST NOW secured a ...
With a view to combat the public health emergencies promptly and more effectively, the National Centre for Disease Control ...
An audit by the State Comptroller's Office found the lab allegedly abused Medicaid program resources. The lab defended itself ...
A Piscataway-based medical testing laboratory has been ordered to pay Medicaid $3.3 million for money it collected from the ...
Homocysteine is an amino acid that plays a key role in important processes like making proteins. Vitamins B6, B12, and folate ...
The Barnstable County Water Quality Laboratory is now certified to test water for PFAS in-house. How does this benefit Cape ...
Two firearm "misidentifications" have drawn scrutiny in advance of an accrediting board's expected assessment on the weekend ...
Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21, leading to intellectual disabilities and ...
"What a boon this will be to downtown Topeka," said Janet Stanek, the KDHE secretary, of the new Kansas health and ...
Citizens will no longer have to pay arbitrary charges for tests at diagnostic centres and laboratories. Within the next three ...
The state recently certified the Barnstable County Water Quality Laboratory to test drinking water for the presence of PFAS, ...
The first is essentially a DIY rapid at-home test with paper testing strips to dip into your water and compare results to an ...