"Some animals don't rely much on vision and may dislike looking at faces. These species might fail the mirror test even if ...
What would you do if you were approached by a silverback mountain gorilla? Watch the amazing footage of this close encounter.
Orangutans are great apes native to Asia and live in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. They have long limbs and special feet with long toes for grasping branches ...
Humans and gorillas have 98% of the same genetic material. You can say that they are one of humans’ closest cousins and the largest ape. When talking about species, we can classify them into ...
New research suggests gorillas may be just as self-aware as chimpanzees, despite struggling with the mirror test.
Gorillas in captivity in our world today number only in the hundreds. Hence, four of them arriving in Nanjing and destined ...
Unfortunately, despite unrelenting efforts to protect this animal species, the gorillas are still being targeted by poachers because of the lucrative prices they fetch in the black market.
Leopards and gorillas are compared based on size, strength, speed, senses, defense mechanisms, and combat strategies to predict which animal would win in a fight. Despite the gorilla's strength ...