They may tell us they hate chores, but kids who help around the house report feeling accomplished and competent, not to ...
Marvel star Anthony Mackie says success has as much to do with luck and connections as with talent. Highly successful people ...
Plenty of work-from-home parents are foregoing traditional childcare to save money and maximize time with their kids. Here ...
I kind of think it’s a good idea because you can’t predict what these kids are going to do, especially after school,” said 20 ...
"I hate when people when people say, 'It goes by so fast, and one day you'll miss when they were this little.' I can't help ...
A grieving mother says that her 19-year-old daughter was on the way to work with two other people when she was killed in an ...
Alisha Horton said her best work gets done at 5:30 each morning, while her baby and toddler are still sleeping.  ...
Since A.J. Preller took over as GM in August 2014, the Padres have been as aggressive as any franchise in baseball. They aren ...
Coaches and fans may have different ideas on whether all of the state basketball games need to be in one place. Louisville, ...
In the weeks since he took office, the Trump administration already has cut the department’s staff in half and overhauled ...
The Trump administration recently reinstated the practice of detaining immigrant adults and children together. Two detention facilities in South Texas are at the center of that controversial decision.
In the weeks since he took office, the Trump administration already has cut the department’s staff in half and overhauled ...