Two nomination contenders for the Conservatives in Newfoundland’s Avalon riding say they were blindsided Sunday, March 23, by ...
A decision by the Conservative Party of Canada to appoint Steve Kent — a former PC MHA and municipal administrator with the ...
Jack is survived by his wife, Donna McNamara-Babb; daughter, Kathleen Babb ... later moving to Lexington Ken., where he founded Rio Grande Fencing. Retiring in 1991, he moved to beautiful Marco ...
Babb told CBC News Monday morning she was "blindsided ... the executive assistant to the current MP, Ken McDonald. McDonald is not seeking re-election. The NDP does not have a candidate listed ...
With five Liberal MPs deciding not to seek re-election, the political landscape in Newfoundland and Labrador is guaranteed to ...
Several races for township, borough and school board and other municipal seats throughout Lawrence County are lacking candidates in the upcoming May 20 primary. SNPJ and Volant boroughs have no ...
When Newfoundlanders and Labradorians head to the polls to elect a new federal government on April 28, there will be a few ...
Observatory leaders have assured local emergency officials their public service will continue, but questions linger about how ...