ASTANA, Kazakhstan, March 7. The capital of the Republic of Korea hosted the 2025 World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization ...
Currently, the participation of the South Korean company in the projects for building a gas separation complex and a gas ...
Kazakhstan has settled on a site for the construction of the country’s first nuclear reactor. The next big question is who ...
— Therefore, Russia will continue to supply LNG to the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2024, our country ranked seventh among ...
Since gaining independence in 1991, the country has been actively developing public diplomacy, promoting its identity through ...
South Korea's military says it has suspended the training flights of air force aircraft and all live-fire drills after two ...
Kazakhstan has selected a site for its first nuclear power station and is considering bids from Russia, China, France, and ...
South Korea, a stable U.S. ally ... to secure the Soviet nuclear arsenal and persuade Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan to transfer the nuclear weapons they inherited to a then-friendlier Russia ...
Some officials in South Korea say agreeing to the pipeline investment might placate the U.S., but Trump is still threatening ...
South Korea will establish a $34 billion policy fund to provide financial support to companies involved in strategic ...
Investors have balked at the project, stalling its progress. But under the threat of tariffs, Japan and South Korea have ...