Für die Verteidigung ist das Untreue-/Geschenkannahme-Verfahren um die 2004 erfolgte Privatisierung von Wohnbaugesellschaften eine einzige griechische Tragödie. Zur Erinnerung: Die Wohnungen ...
Am Dienstag ab 10 Uhr entscheidet der Oberste Gerichtshof in Wien über die Zukunft von Karl-Heinz Grasser im Buwog-Korruptionsprozess. Muss der Ex-Finanzminister Österreichs sogar für mehrere ...
Israel entlässt Chef von Inlandsgeheimdienst: Israels rechtsreligiöse Regierung von Benjamin Netanjahu hat ungeachtet wütender Massenproteste den Chef des Inlandsgeheimdienstes Schin Bet entlassen.
5635 Tage und Nächte dachte er nach eigener Aussage an dieses Verfahren, jetzt ist es für Karl-Heinz Grasser bittere Gewissheit: Er muss in den Knast! Der ehemalige österreichische ...
Austria's Supreme Court is weighing whether to jail former finance minister Karl-Heinz Grasser for corruption in an appeal trial that started on Thursday. Grasser was found guilty in 2020 of ...
Die konkreten Tathandlungen liegen mittlerweile mehr als zwanzig Jahre zurück. Grasser war damals der telegene Star der umstrittenen schwarz-blauen Koalition des konservativen Bundeskanzlers ...
Karl Rove said President Trump’s claims that Elon Musk's DOGE has discovered “hundreds of billions” in government “fraud” will backfire when Democrats spotlight a lack of subsequent ...
Kraft Heinz is entering the alcohol market with its brand Crystal Light. The company announced on Tuesday it will be introducing Crystal Light Vodka Refreshers at certain Northeastern retailers ...
The Knicks were forced to operate without one of their stars Tuesday night against the Warriors, with center Karl-Anthony Towns out due to personal reasons, and that allowed for Mitchell Robinson ...
The New York Knicks were at home at Madison Square Garden on Tuesday as they hosted the struggling Dallas Mavericks. New York had a strong start to the game as they led Dallas by two at the end of ...
Kraft Heinz KHC0.38%increase; green up pointing triangle, America’s famed ketchup and bologna seller, is hoping you’ll buy its vodka seltzers too. The packaged-food giant is rolling out its ...
The 77-calorie, zero-sugar, vodka-infused carbonated drinks are available in Wild Strawberry and Lemonade flavours. Credit: The Kraft Heinz Company. Kraft Heinz has introduced US powdered-drinks brand ...