Mark Carney telah terpilih sebagai pemimpin Partai Liberal yang berkuasa, menggantikan Justin Trudeau. - Halaman 2 ...
Mark Carney pernah menjabat sebagai Gubernur bank sentral Kanada pada 2008—2013 dan sempat memegang posisi yang sama di Bank of England (BOE) pada 2013—2020.
Keir Starmer’s plans for a Brexit reset could see animal welfare protections sacrificed, the government has been warned. The Prime Minister has expressed his desire to bring the country closer ...
Applications for Irish citizenship from the UK hit a post-Brexit high last year as a growing number of workers and pensioners tried to gain “backdoor” access into the EU. The increase comes as ...
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) bersama Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dan Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) menginisiasi peluncuran kampanye penggalangan bantuan kemanusiaan untuk ...
JAKARTA, - Ketua Divisi Teknis KPU RI, Idham Holik menyampaikan aturan bahwa tidak boleh ada kampanye akbar dalam pemungutan suara ulang (PSU) di 24 daerah di Indonesia. Idham menuturkan, ...
Applications for Irish citizenship from Britain hit a post-Brexit high last year as a growing number of workers and pensioners tried to gain “backdoor” access into the EU. The increase comes ...
He helped managed the worst impacts of Brexit in the U.K. The opposition Conservatives hoped to make the election about Trudeau, whose popularity declined as food and housing prices rose and ...
Ah, Brexit, the biggest act of self-sabotage in UK history, continues to have its ripples. The FT reports that Irish passport applications from Britain are at their highest peak ever as people look ...
The former deputy prime minister believes the threat of Donald Trump’s administration has opened the doors for Sir Keir Starmer to have a much more profound repair of the damage of Brexit beyond ...