O ROMEO, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Well, it turns out he’s on the Greek island of Kos and if you go to his restaurant ...
An aviation firm known for honing RAF pilots’ aerial combat skills has won a “ground-breaking” £173 million contract. Draken ...
The passenger was abusive to staff, repeatedly stood up during the safety briefing and reportedly called one stewardess a 'd* ...
A father's drunken pre-takeoff rampage forced a plane to turn around on the runway after he called a member of cabin crew a ...
Lewis Howarth from Bolton, was dragged off a plane after his pre-takeoff outburst where he called an air hostess a 'd***head' ...
A man claimed to have a bomb in his bag as he boarded a flight at East Midlands Airport (EMA). Abdullah Aswat, his wife and ...