TAIJI, Japan (CNN)-- Mention a dolphin to someone in the United States and they'll think about a trip to Sea World or the 1960s-era TV program "Flipper." Talk about a dolphin in rural Japan and ...
But in Japan’s Wakasa Bay, swimmers are on high alert for yet another underwater threat: dolphins—or, according to some theories, a lone male bottlenose dolphin who seemingly likes to bite and ...
Signs have been put in Fukui prefecture up telling swimmers to avoid approaching or touching the mammals. Swimmers have been injured in dolphin attacks on a beach in central Japan, officials say ...
The dolphin was seen during the summer at more than one swimming beach on the Sea of Japan side of Japan, where it gave swimmers “love bites” of the sort that dolphins typically give one another.
Dolphins have repeatedly appeared along local ... Experts were puzzled by the gender disparity in the Japan attacks because an overwhelming majority, or 43 victims, were men.
An aquarium in Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan, which was severely damaged by a powerful earthquake that devastated the ...
A recent issue of the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science contains the findings of a clinical veterinary and behavioral analysis of the killing methods being used in the notorious Taiji dolphin ...
The dolphins have been dying in an area affected by an oil spill caused when the Japanese ship, the MV Wakashio, struck a coral reef last month. At least 40 dolphins have mysteriously died in an ...