"Duck Dynasty" star Silas "Uncle Si" Robertson is recovering after a fall during a hunting trip. Robertson, 76, who is set to appear in the reboot of the hit A&E show, landed in the hospital after ...
Drysdale scored a goal and added an assist that night against his former team, the Anaheim Ducks, amid reverberative “Jamie’s better!” chants that were probably more about trolling Cutter ...
It had been a great morning of duck hunting, but not quite the epic shoot we’d all been ... The two boys and the dog were lost to the sea. But of course the most infamous incident is the “day the the ...
The Flyers were facing the Anaheim Ducks, which meant former top prospect ... They flew out of the gate, Morgan Frost and, poetically, Jamie Drysdale scored early for the lead; Owen Tippett ...
A 19-year-old was duck hunting in Marion on Monday, Jan. 20 when he accidentally fell out of the boat he was hunting from, Boston.com reported. His friend, who was hunting with him from ...
Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si Robertson was hospitalized recently after a hunting accident. Friends and family admit they were scared to the point of saying prayers as Si was rushed to the emergency room.
We are now more than one year removed from the trade that sent Cutter Gauthier to the Anaheim Ducks and Jamie Drysdale and a 2025 second-round pick to the Philadelphia Flyers. Since then ...
His condition is unknown at this time, Marion officials said.The initial investigation indicates that the man was duck hunting with a friend. The man's 17-year-old friend was hunting from the ...
California Brothers Ages 17 and 19 Missing amid Duck Hunting Trip, Say Police: 'Continue to Diligently Search' After it was reported that the search had become more targeted, the brothers ...
US congressional Representative Tim Burchett said in an interview Wednesday that an admiral -- whom he did not identify -- had told him of an alien craft moving at incredible speeds in the sea.