The Tennessee Coalition for Open Government (TCOG) and the Tennessee Press Association ... Latino Tennessee Voices newsletter Submitting a letter to the editor or op-ed Tennessee is one of ...
Many pets are abandoned, so it is essential to think carefully before you get one. Firstly, think about your time. Pets need attention and love. If you don’t spend enough time with them, they ...
Whether you agree with his policy or not, President Donald Trump has accomplished his goal of stemming the flow of illegal migrants, and his emphasis on deporting illegal immigrants with criminal ...
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser welcomes all opinions. Want your voice to be heard? Submit a letter to the editor. >> Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words.
Alderman Bill Rose has done so much work for the ninth ward and for our City. I personally know that he takes meetings, calls and emails all times of day and night to help us with problems.
We write on behalf of Human Rights Watch, an independent, international, non-governmental organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights abuses by states and non-state actors ...
Change is happening all around us — both in our local communities and across the nation. These shifts can bring feelings of uncertainty, discomfort and concern about what lies ahead. While these ...
The people of Chico voted overwhelmingly against Valley’s Edge. Now the developers are trying to intimidate the city council by threatening a lawsuit based upon one Superior Court decision in ...
Here’s the thing that I believe we are getting wrong about DEI. I thought about it after reading two books last month. “Canyon Dreams,” about high school basketball on the rez. And “The ...
I’m looking forward to it. Submit letters to the editor via email to Please include your name, address and town of residence for publication. We also need your phone ...
City Council members had no comment on the letter at their meeting Monday, in keeping with advice […] Orchard Park: Council mum on desist letter | News, Sports, Jobs - Altoona Mirror newslink ...
I hope the District 3 election sends a signal to the San Jose City Council that the No. 1 issue for D3 is a councilmember who listens to our community and votes in its interest. We don’t want ...