How Can Using Interactive Media Improve Teaching and Learning? Using interactive media in online courses can benefit learners by increasing engagement, promoting active learning, providing more ...
This course will immerse students in interactive storytelling. The class will investigate time-based interactive media practices and feature hands-on lab projects. The course will contextualize ...
The 67th Grammy Awards announces the winner for Best Video Game Soundtrack, honoring the game with the most outstanding ...
Fulbright Senior Specialist, Professor Klaus Schmidt develops academic curriculum for SLIIT’s new degree programme SLIIT, a pioneer in the education arena of Information Technology in Sri Lanka, ...
No doubt you are an avid consumer of movies and television shows. As a film, television and interactive media student, you’ll also become an expert in how they’re made — and how they fit into a larger ...
With programs like Graphic Design, New Media Design and Visual Communication Design, the College of Art and Design is home to the next generation of digital media. Students and faculty are constantly ...