A novel porous material capable of separating deuterium (D2) from hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 120 K has been introduced. Notably, this temperature exceeds the liquefaction point of natural gas, ...
A novel porous material capable of separating deuterium (D2) from hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 120 K has been introduced. Notably, this ...
A novel porous material capable of separating deuterium (D2) from hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 120 K (-153°C) has been introduced. Notably, this ...
A novel porous material capable of separating deuterium (D2) from hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 120 K (-153°C) has been ...
Innovative gel polymer electrolyte design enhances lithium metal battery efficiency and safety, enabling operation from -30 ...
1,337 seconds: that was how long WEST, a tokamak run from the CEA Cadarache site in southern France and one of the EUROfusion consortium medium size Tokamak facilities, was able to maintain a ...
X-ray crystallography is a technique that uses X-ray diffraction patterns to determine high-resolution, three-dimensional structures of molecules such as proteins, small organic molecules ...
Admirers of Western American art and some of the country’s top Western artists will convene at the Eiteljorg Museum on September 9-10 ...
Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world ...
School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China ...