At 92 and blind, Babbie Lovett remains committed to fashion, guided by her sense of touch -- and by what seems like an almost ...
Elon Musk, who was raised during South African apartheid, used to steer clear of debate about race. Now, he frequently ...
Intel's AI Playground is one of the best AI apps. It combines AI art, AI editing, and an AI (LLM) chatbot into a single free ...
The validity of Christian faith or any other truth claim is neither affirmed nor denied on the basis of who endorses it ...
Sen. Mark Kelly is selling his Tesla, which he says feels like "a rolling billboard for a man dismantling our government and ...
Born in Monteroni di Lecce, a small town in Puglia, a southern province of Italy, the 77-year-old Cardinal Semeraro has been ...
Today, I’m sharing eight celebrities who have surprisingly offbeat hobbies. Maybe you’ll feel inspired to try something new ...
Martha Stewart’s new book, Martha Stewart’s Gardening Handbook, details her 50+ years of useful tips and tricks for new and ...
Governments across Indian River County are planning for the future, but readers have questions about two issues in the city ...
Matthew Jackson looks back at Dario Argento's giallo classic 'Deep Red' and why it's the most important film of the auteur's ...
After crossing the finish line in the unseasonable heat of the Saint-Galmier Hippodrome 20 years ago today, 19 March 2005, ...
An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt ... "Was it Elon's complete disregard for human beings as he attempts to completely disrupt the federal government like a classic tech dude without ...