Researchers from Trinity and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) are leading the Irish component of the Genome of Europe project, which aims to map the genomes of a representative sample ...
Giant clams grow huge by relying on algae for energy. Scientists found genes that help them live with algae and grow big.
Life relies on the storage and transmission of information. In complex organisms, this information exists in two primary ...
CAR T cell therapy is one of the most promising new cancer treatments to emerge in recent years. It involves removing a ...
Beijing has never fully co-operated with international investigators, impeding the search for a definitive answer. But ...
Step back in time, folks, and imagine a world of primitive cave dwellers, clad in animal skins, and struggling to … Continue reading "Fascinating Facts About The Lives Of Early Humans" ...
I'm hearing more about the exposome and the role of the environment on our health. Can you tell me more about how it is being ...
The most complex engineering of human cell lines ever has been achieved by scientists, revealing that our genomes are more ...
Sheep have been intertwined with human livelihoods for over 11,000 years. As well as meat, their domestication led to humans ...
Hidden within our bones, marrow sustains life by producing billions of blood cells daily, from oxygen-carrying red cells to immune-boosting white cells.
Human rights are not just words on paper. Advocates, social movements and government champions have brought much needed positive changes by pushing for the adoption of international human rights ...