Transistors are also integral to high-frequency applications like the oscillator circuits in radio signal ... the placement of the different types of semiconductor material. What does "NPN" or "PNP" ...
8 bytes of Megaprocessor RAM (ca. 200 x 200 mm) Everyone of the ~42,300 transistors were hand-soldered to one of the massive PCBs, which look more like interactive circuit diagrams than actual ...
The transistor acts like an insulator or a switch that is turned ... the transistor turns off again.) Transistors do not create electric current, they only control electric current supplied ...
It just took time to find the right way to do it. By 1955, they produced usable transistors ... It is a fascinating look into the history of an iconic electronics brand and a window into another ...
The sandwich transistor was William Shockley's brainchild. It's also called the junction transistor. While the rest of the lab was busy researching Bardeen and Brattain's point-contact transistor ...
Scientists from the University of Glasgow have made a major breakthrough that could lead to a new generation of powerful and ...
That's the claim Intel is making with news of its Tri-Gate transistor and 22-nm process for mass-producing it. Although it has been referred to as Intel 3-D, it has very little to do with special ...