"What If is an epic exploration of possibilities. What If is a Webby Award-winning science web series that takes you on a ...
Hola, mis amigos de la ciencia! This week, researchers reported that hominins strode bipedally across Europe 500,000 years ...
MOUNT Everest has long been considered the tallest mountain on Earth, but new research reveals it might not even come close.
Solar storms pose a rising threat to power grids, satellites, and communications. Experts call for urgent preventive measures ...
ANOTHER, even rarer, ‘planet parade’ is set to grace skies very soon. For one night only, all seven other planets in the ...
These are the events and people that shaped the history of travel, from early pilgrimages and the Age of Discovery, to the ...
Little Friends We've heard of underground parties — but this is ridiculous. A recently released study authored by microbial ...
The quarter-mile section of Vermont Creek has been inaccessible due to invasive species, but members of Vermont Lutheran ...
Astronomers measure a star’s brightness using the apparent magnitude system, where lower values indicate brighter stars.
The MeerKAT telescope is located in the Karoo region of South Africa, is made up of 64 radio dishes and is operated and ...
The findings showed that women, except those aged 18-39, have a higher likelihood of long COVID regardless of factors like ...
To catch February’s full moon at its roundest, get outside by sunrise on Feb. 12, because the moon sets in the west shortly ...