Because of the advanced age of the horses, both owners feel strongly that the horses would likely have been slaughtered for ...
A huge thank you to Signe and Rosanna for showing me around the amazing Knepp Estate market garden which used to be a horse ...
Mr. Shachtman’s essay about horse racing gave short shrift to the sport’s upside, including its positive economic impact.
The Lafayette Township Fire Department responded to reports of a horse lying in an icy pasture just before 10 a.m. Photos from the scene show several firefighters, police and tow truck drivers ...
Topics include an overview of genetic diseases in quarter horses, weed and manure management in pastures, prevention and ...
Under clouds like this, the horses get sleepy and relaxed, their ears twitching the flies away, four feet taking turns ...
Several horses got loose along in Byron Township Wednesday morning, deciding to take a walk on busy streets and a highway during rush hour.
Minnesota’s livestock producers face an ongoing challenge from toxic plants that can cause severe illness or death in cattle, sheep, and horses. Among the most hazardous are bracken fern, chokecherry, ...
Two members of a Beaver County family are facing charges for the reported severe neglect of horses they harbored on a Neshannock Township farm. Neshannock Township police this week filed multiple ...
CHILTON COUNTY, Ala. ( WBRC) - A drive-by shooting at a Chilton County farm Friday left two horses injured and two owners ...
If you've ever strolled through Central Park, chances are you've seen them—the majestic horses pulling vintage carriages.