Ditch flowers and celebrate love and well-being with thoughtful Valentine's Day gifts like spa kits, fitness gear and healthy treats.
Journaling is one of the easiest and cheapest things you can do for your mental health, so why does it feel so hard to start?
There's the initial shock and chaos in a collective disaster like the deadly and destructive California wildfires.
LIFESTYLE NEWS - Valentine's Day is creeping up on us, and let’s be honest - it’s like the ultimate “holiday of love,” ...
A grateful heart is a happy heart ... areas for which to have gratitude. Even though there are many ways to integrate gratitude into daily life, one of the most effective and transformative methods is ...
Gratitude is the expression of appreciation for what one has; it is a recognition of value independent of monetary worth. Gratitude doesn’t necessarily come naturally to everyone, but it can be ...
Summerville Fire-Rescue hosted a small send-off to express its gratitude to colleagues from Oconee County for their assistance with snow removal. Oconee County sent eight personnel – four from ...
The Edmonton Oilers picked the right time to get back out on the road with winter rearing its ugly head in the Alberta capital. As temperatures plunged to -30 C Monday, the team wrapped up ...
Nobody covers Johnson County and the surrounding areas like the Daily Journal. 30 S. Water St., Second floor, Suite A, Franklin, IN 46131 Phone: (317) 736-7101 Toll free: (888) 736-7101 All text ...
Whether you’re going back to college, sending a kid to school, a teacher making the classroom colorful and fun, or prepping ...
The unidentified man informed passengers his wife was out of the station and wrote, "I am happy". He attached a paper note behind his seat to communicate to people onboard that he wished to enjoy ...