You don’t need all 10 of the following, but the full set below will let you tackle most any yard job. 1.) Trowel. Think of ...
usually 30 gearboxes on hand, and we have every PTO,” Ulrich says. Inspect the equipment. It might make sense to buy a quality used auger versus a new one. Ulrich recommends first reviewing the ...
Ruth Stout didn’t plow, dig, water, or weed—and now her “no-work” method is everywhere. But behind her secret to the perfect ...
Late last year, following four years of construction, Shell 011 Company's recordsetting "Auger" tension leg platform (TLP) was towed out to its new home, some 255 miles southeast of Houston ...
Lower power will be useless. Auger: you should opt for high-carbon steel. Augers made of other materials tend to snap when hitting solid soil. Besides, consider buying interchangeable augers with the ...
The fragments uncovered were clearly produced by human hands using the distinctive techniques of the Clovis people.