Israel Police arrested a government worker suspected of smuggling Georgian women into Israel using airport gate passes.
"Other than my job, I have nothing to lose." BFI has unveiled an official trailer for a peculiar Georgian art house film ...
Berlin: A 46 year old Georgian man who had been on the run after allegedly setting fire to his wife on a tram in Germany ...
There was something different about this year's St. Mike's girls' hockey team.
Witness what the Russian Federation live with on their conscience day after day. It's a protocol of moral confusion that ...
Women’s March, dedicated to International Women’s Day, has inscribed itself in the continuous protest movement that has ...
The Asian Development Bank supported the construction of 20 new kindergartens in Georgian towns and villages as part of its Livable Cities Investment Project to help improve early education and the ...
The explanatory note further claims that the term “gender” will be removed from Georgian legislation since it’s necessary to “reinforce at the legislative level the principle of equality between men ...
International Working Women’s Day, the town square in Chiatura, Georgia, was filled with residents. Young girls handed out ...
The Beatles met Love in February 1968, when they all went to study Transcendental Meditation in Rishikesh, India, with guru ...
The United Nations on Thursday marked the upcoming International Women's Day with a call for feminine equality under a banner of rights and empowerment.